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Journals and Book Chapters

  1. Stanley, L., & Prabhu, V.G. (2025). Human System Interaction – Interface Design. In Anthony. P. Ambler & John. W. Sheppard (Eds.), Realizing Complex System Design (1st Edition, pp. 441–459). CRC Press.

  2. Marston, H. R., Prabhu, V. G.Ivan, L. (2025). Understanding Technology Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through the Lens of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities: An International, Multi-Centre Study. In COVID.

  3. Swami, V., Tran, U.S., et al., (2025). Life satisfaction around the world: Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups. PLOS ONE, 20(1), e0313107.

  4. Ivan, L., Marston, H. R., Prabhu, V. G., Großschädl, F., Silva, P. A., Buttigieg, S. C., Çalıkoğlu,H. Ö., Bilir-Koca, B., Arslan, H., Kanozia, R., Browning, M. H., Freeman, S., & Earle, S. (2024). Successful Aging across Middle vs High-Income Countries: An Analysis of the Role of eHealth Literacy Associated with Loneliness and Wellbeing. In The Gerontologist.

  5. Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K.M. (2024). Hybrid Modelling Approach Using Reinforcement Learning in Conjunction with Simulation: A Case Study of an Emergency Department. In: Fakhimi, M., Mustafee, N. (eds) Hybrid Modeling and Simulation. Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications. Springer, Cham.

  6. ​Foster, S., Hegde, S., Pirrallo, R., Prabhu, V.G., Taaffe, K., Ramsay, M., & Jackson, B. (2024). Identifying Emergency Physicians’ Strategies for Mitigating Workload Transfers during End of Shift Patient Handoffs – A Qualitative Analysis. In the Human Factors in Healthcare Journal.

  7. Swami, V., Tran, U.S., et al., (2024) Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age. In Journal of Environmental Psychology 

  8. Prabhu, V. G., Harper, S., Brignull, C. G., Snider, B., Tanner, S., Adams, K. J., Nisonson, A., Hand, W., Epling, J. A. (2023) The Impact of Virtual Reality on Pain and Anxiety during Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsies: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of Breast Imaging.

  9. Prabhu, V. G., Stanley, L., Morgan, R., & Shirley, B. (2023). Designing and Developing a Nature-based Virtual Reality with Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback for Surgical Anxiety and Pain Management: Evidence from Total Knee Arthroplasty Patients. Aging & Mental Health.

  10. Prabhu, V. G., Hand, W., Isik, T., Song, Y., & Taaffe, K. (2023). Risk-adjusted Staffing Policies to Minimize Perioperative Staffing Shortages During a Pandemic: An Agent-Based Simulation Study. In Epidemiology & Infection

  11. Swami, V., Tran, U.S., et al., (2023) Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age. In Body Image 

  12. Marston, H. R., Ko, P. C., Prabhu, V. G., Freeman, S., Ross, C., Sharaievska, I., Browning, M. H., Earle, S., Ivan, L., Kanozia, R., Çalıkoğlu, H. Ö., Arslan, H., Bilir-Koca, B., Silva, P. A., Buttigieg, S. C., Großschädl, F., & Schüttengruber, G. (2023). Digital Practices by Citizens During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From an International Multisite Study. In JMIR Mental Health

  13. Browning, M.H.E.M., Shin, S., Drong, G., McAnirlin, O., Gagnon, R.J., Ranganathan, S., Sindelar, K., Hoptman, D., Bratman, G.N., Yuan, S., Prabhu V.G., Heller, W. (2023). Daily Exposure to Virtual Nature Reduces Symptoms of Anxiety in College Students. In Nature Scientific Reports

  14. Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Jackson, W., & Ramsay, M. (2022). Overlapping Shifts to Improve Patient Flow and Patient Safety in Emergency Departments. In SIMULATION.

  15. Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., & Shvorin, D. (2022). A Data-Driven Policy to Minimize the Tuberculosis Testing Cost Among Healthcare Workers. In the International Journal of Health Planning and Management.

  16. Joseph, A., Neyens, D., Mihandoust, S., Taaffe, K., Prabhu V.G., Allison, D., & Reeves, S. (2021).  Impact of Surgical Table Orientation on Flow Disruptions and Movement Patterns During Pediatric Outpatient Surgeries. In International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

  17. Prabhu, V. G., Stanley, L., & Morgan, R. (2020). A Biofeedback Enhanced Adaptive Virtual Reality Environment for Managing Surgical Pain and Anxiety. In International Journal of Semantic Computing.

  18. Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., & Shvorin, D. (2020). Stress and Burnout among Attendings and Resident Physicians in the ED: A Comparative Study. In IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering

Conference Proceedings, Magazine Articles and Extended Abstracts

  1. Prasad, S., Prabhu, V. G., & Hand, W. (2024). Investigating the Impact of Pandemic on the Perioperative Healthcare Workers Availability: An Agent-Based Approach. (2024). In the proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference.

  2. Augustine. P., & Prabhu, V. G. Integrating Quality 4.0 in a traditional continuous improvement system (2024). In the ASQ Quality Progress magazine.

  3. Prabhu, V. G., Pirrallo, R., Taaffe, K., Jackson, W., Ramsay, M. Forecasting Patient Arrivals and Optimizing Physician Shift Scheduling in Emergency Departments. (2023). In the proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference.

  4. Kalatzis, A., Prabhu, V. G., Stanley, L. & Wittie, M.P. (2023). An Effect of Augmented Reality User Interface on Task Performance, Cognitive Load, and Situational Awareness in Human-Robot Collaboration. (2023). In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN).

  5. Foster, S., Hegde, S., Pirrallo, R., Prabhu, V.G., Taaffe, K., Ramsay, M., & Jackson, B. (2023). Evaluating Physician Stress During Patient Handoffs: Analysis of Physician Heart Rate Variability, Patient Handoff Characteristics, and ED Metrics. In the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

  6. Kalatzis, A., Rahman, S., Prabhu, V. G. Stanley, L & Wittie, M. (2023). A Multimodal Approach to Investigate the Role of Cognitive Workload and User Interfaces in Human-Robot Collaboration.In the proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction.

  7. Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Shehan, K., Pirrallo, R., Jackson, W., Ramsay, M., & Hobbs, J. (2022). How Does Imaging Impact Patient Flow in Emergency Departments? In the proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference.

  8. Kalatzis, A., Prabhu, V. G., Rahman, S., Wittie, M., & Stanley, L., (2022). Emotions Matter: Towards Personalizing Human-System Interactions Using a Two-layer Multimodal Approach. In the Proceedings of International Conference on Multimodal Interaction.

  9. Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Jackson, W., & Ramsay, M. (2021). Physician Shift Scheduling to Improve Patient Safety and Patient Flow in the Emergency Department. In the Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference.

  10. Kalatzis, A., Stanley, L., & Prabhu, V. G.,& (2021). Affective State Classification in Virtual Reality Environments Using Electrocardiogram and Respiration Signals. In the Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.

  11. Prabhu, V. G., Stanley, L., Morgan, R., & Shirley, B. (2021). Comparing the Efficacy of a Video and Virtual Reality Intervention to Mitigate Surgical Pain and Anxiety. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies.

  12. Kalatzis, A., Teotia, A., Prabhu, V. G.,& Stanley, L. (2021). A Database for Cognitive Workload Classification Using Electrocardiogram and Respiration Signal. In the proceedings of the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference.

  13. Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Hand, W., ÇAĞLAYAN, C, Isik, T., & Song, Y., (2020). Team-Based, Risk-Adjusted Staffing During a Pandemic: An Agent-Based Approach. In the proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference.

  14. Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Jackson, W., & Ramsay, M. (2020). Reducing Handoffs and Improving Patient Flow in the ED.  In the proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference.

  15. Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., & Pirrallo, R. (2020). A Multi-Layered LSTM for Predicting Physician Stress during an Emergency Department Shift. In the proceedings of the Annual IISE Conference.

  16. Prabhu, V. G., Stanley, L., Linder, C., & Morgan, R. (2020). Analyzing the Efficacy of a Restorative Virtual Reality Environment using HRV Biofeedback for Pain and Anxiety Management. In the proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems.

  17. Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., & Pirrallo, R. (2019). Patient Care Management for Physicians: Reducing Handoffs in the ED. In the Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference.

  18. Prabhu, V. G., Linder, C., Stanley, L., & Morgan, R. (2019). An Affective Computing in Virtual Reality Environments for Managing Surgical Pain and Anxiety. In the Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.

  19. Cull, E., Saha, A., Stanley, L., Prabhu, V. G., & Biro, J. (2019). Analyzing the Efficacy and Design Considerations of VR Environments to Manage Anxiety & Depression in AYA Cancer Patients, In Blood 134.

Under Review and In Press

  1. Prabhu, V. G., Pirrallo, R., Taaffe, K., Joshi, V., Jackson, W., Ramsay, M. Forecasting Long- and Short-term Patient Arrivals with Severity Levels to Emergency Departments. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open. (Review).

  2. Prabhu, V. G., Pirrallo, R., Taaffe, K., Hegde, S., Jackson, W., Ramsay, M., Hobbs, J. Handoffs in Emergency Departments: Physician Perspectives, Preferences, and Strategies. Journal of Emergency Medicine. (Review).

Presentations and Talks

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Jackson, W., & Ramsay, M., (2021). A Simulation and Optimization Model to Identify Optimal Staffing and Minimize Patient Handoffs. Presented at Annual IISE Conference 2021, Virtual

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Jackson, W., & Ramsay, M., (2021). Impact of overlapping shifts in the Emergency Department. Presented at Healthcare Systems Process Improvement 2021.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Jackson, W., & Ramsay, M., (2020). Reducing Handoffs and Improving Patient Flow in the ED. Presented at Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) 2020.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Hand, W., ÇAĞLAYAN, C, Isik, T., & Song, Y., (2020). Team Based, Risk Adjusted Staffing During a Pandemic: An Agent Based Approach. Presented at Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Hand, W., ÇAĞLAYAN, C, Isik, T., & Song, Y., (2020). Risk Adjusted Staffing Approach During a Pandemic. Presented at IISE/SHS Virtual Meeting.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Hand, W., ÇAĞLAYAN, C, Isik, T., & Song, Y., (2020). Team Based, Risk Adjusted Staffing During a Pandemic: An Agent Based Approach. Presented at SHS Think Tank.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Jackson, W., & Ramsay, M., (2020). Physician-Patient Assignment Model to Reduce ED Handoffs and Contact Rates. Presented at Annual INFORMS Conference 2020.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Jackson, W., & Ramsay, M., (2020). Physician-Patient Assignment to Reduce Handoffs in the ED. Presented at IISE Conference 2020, New Orleans, LA.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Pirrallo, R., Jackson, W., & Ramsay, M., (2020). A Multi-Layered LSTM for Predicting Physician Stress during an Emergency Department Shift. Presented at IISE Conference 2020, New Orleans, LA.

  • Pirrallo, R., Prabhu, V. G., & Taaffe, K., (2020). System-wide Policy Making: Which TB Test is For You? Healthcare Systems Process Improvement (2020), Atlanta, GA.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., & Pirrallo, R., (2019). Patient Care Management for Physicians: Reducing Handoffs in the ED. Presented at Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) 2019, D.C.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Linder, C., Stanley, L., & Morgan, R., (2019). An Affective Computing in Virtual Reality Environments for Managing Surgical Pain and Anxiety. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR) 2019, San Diego, CA.

  • Prabhu, V. G., & Stanley, L., (2019). Analyzing the Efficacy of Virtual Reality to Reduce Pain and Anxiety. Presented at IISE Conference 2019, Orlando, FL.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Ramsay, M., Shvorin, D., Rosenberg, P., & Albo, H. (2018).  Analyzing the role of experience in the Emergency Department physicians with physiological biomarkers. Presented at IISE Conference 2018, Orlando, FL.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Coldebella, L., Shvorin, D., Ross, D., & Derr, O. (2018). Understanding physician distraction in the Emergency Department. Presented at IISE Conference 2018, Orlando, FL.

  • Taaffe, K., Baird, M., Shvorin, D., Prabhu, V. G., Beeler, E., & Stephenson, J. (2018). Improving decision-making awareness when considering conditions of fatigue. Presented at IISE Conference 2018, Orlando, FL.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Burak, E., Pirallo, G., Shvorin, D., Kiani, M., Jeffcoat, C., & James, C. (2018). Improving the Tuberculosis testing procedure to minimize cost and maximize efficiency. Presented at IISE Conference 2018, Orlando, FL.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Taaffe, K., Ramsay, M., Shvorin, D., Rosenberg, P., & Albo, H. (2018). Analyzing the role of experience in the Emergency Department physicians with physiological biomarkers. Poster presented at Southeastern Human Factors Applied Research Conference, 2018.

  • Prabhu, V. G., Stanley, L., Shvorin, D., & Coldebella, L., (2018). Understanding physician distraction in the Emergency Department. Poster presented at Southeastern Human Factors Applied Research Conference, 2018.

  • Taaffe, K., Baird, M., Shvorin, D., Prabhu, V. G., Beeler, E., & Stephenson, J. (2018). Improving decision-making awareness when considering conditions of fatigue. Poster presented at Clemson FoCI.

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